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CSSCI CSCD SSCI 《工程索引》(EI) SCI(科学引文索引) 参考文献格式国家标准 2014中文核心期刊目录 论文信誉排行
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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2009年07月15



1. OSDI: 3.31 (top 0.08%)
2. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems: 3.23 (top 0.16%)
3. PLDI: 2.89 (top 0.24%)
4. SIGCOMM: 2.79 (top 0.32%)
5. MOBICOM: 2.76 (top 0.40%)
6. ASPLOS: 2.70 (top 0.49%)
7. USENIX Annual Technical Conference: 2.64 (top 0.57%)
8. TOCS: 2.56 (top 0.65%)
9. SIGGRAPH: 2.53 (top 0.73%)
10. JAIR: 2.45 (top 0.81%)
11. SOSP: 2.41 (top 0.90%)
12. MICRO: 2.31 (top 0.98%)
13. POPL: 2.26 (top 1.06%)
14. PPOPP: 2.22 (top 1.14%)
15. Machine Learning: 2.20 (top 1.22%)
16. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints: 2.19 (top 1.31%)
17. WWW8 / Computer Networks: 2.17 (top 1.39%)
18. Computational Linguistics: 2.16 (top 1.47%)
19. JSSPP: 2.15 (top 1.55%)
20. VVS: 2.14 (top 1.63%)
21. FPCA: 2.12 (top 1.71%)
22. LISP and Functional Programming: 2.12 (top 1.80%)
23. ICML: 2.12 (top 1.88%)
24. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 2.08 (top 1.96%)
25. SI3D: 2.06 (top 2.04%)
26. ICSE - Future of SE Track: 2.05 (top 2.12%)
27. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking: 2.05 (top 2.21%)
28. OOPSLA/ECOOP: 2.05 (top 2.29%)
29. WWW9 / Computer Networks: 2.02 (top 2.37%)
30. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems: 2.01 (top 2.45%)
31. Journal of Computer Security: 2.00 (top 2.53%)
32. TOSEM: 1.99 (top 2.62%)
33. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging: 1.99 (top 2.70%)
34. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems: 1.99 (top 2.78%)
35. WebDB (Informal Proceedings): 1.99 (top 2.86%)
36. WWW5 / Computer Networks: 1.97 (top 2.94%)
37. Journal of Cryptology: 1.97 (top 3.03%)
38. CSFW: 1.96 (top 3.11%)
39. ECOOP: 1.95 (top 3.19%)
40. Evolutionary Computation: 1.94 (top 3.27%)
41. TOPLAS: 1.92 (top 3.35%)
42. SIGSOFT FSE: 1.88 (top 3.43%)
43. CAV: 1.88 (top 3.52%)
44. AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1: 1.87 (top 3.60%)
45. PODS: 1.86 (top 3.68%)
46. Artificial Intelligence: 1.85 (top 3.76%)
47. NOSSDAV: 1.85 (top 3.84%)
48. OOPSLA: 1.84 (top 3.93%)
49. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security: 1.82 (top 4.01%)
50. IJCAI (1): 1.82 (top 4.09%)
51. VLDB Journal: 1.81 (top 4.17%)
52. TODS: 1.81 (top 4.25%)
53. USENIX Winter: 1.80 (top 4.34%)
54. HPCA: 1.79 (top 4.42%)
55. LICS: 1.79 (top 4.50%)
56. JLP: 1.78 (top 4.58%)
57. WWW6 / Computer Networks: 1.78 (top 4.66%)
58. ICCV: 1.78 (top 4.75%)
59. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium: 1.78 (top 4.83%)
60. AES Candidate Conference: 1.77 (top 4.91%)
61. KR: 1.76 (top 4.99%)
62. TISSEC: 1.76 (top 5.07%)
63. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce: 1.75 (top 5.15%)
64. TOIS: 1.75 (top 5.24%)
65. PEPM: 1.74 (top 5.32%)
66. SIGMOD Conference: 1.74 (top 5.40%)
67. Formal Methods in System Design: 1.74 (top 5.48%)
68. Mobile Agents: 1.73 (top 5.56%)
69. REX Workshop: 1.73 (top 5.65%)
70. NMR: 1.73 (top 5.73%)
71. Computing Systems: 1.72 (top 5.81%)
72. LOPLAS: 1.72 (top 5.89%)
73. STOC: 1.69 (top 5.97%)
74. Distributed Computing: 1.69 (top 6.06%)
75. KDD: 1.68 (top 6.14%)
76. Symposium on Testing, Analysis, and Verification: 1.65 (top 6.22%)
77. Software Development Environments (SDE): 1.64 (top 6.30%)
78. SIAM J. Comput.: 1.64 (top 6.38%)
79. CRYPTO: 1.63 (top 6.47%)
80. Multimedia Systems: 1.62 (top 6.55%)
81. ICFP: 1.62 (top 6.63%)
82. Lisp and Symbolic Computation: 1.61 (top 6.71%)
83. ECP: 1.61 (top 6.79%)
84. CHI: 1.61 (top 6.87%)
85. ISLP: 1.60 (top 6.96%)
86. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology: 1.59 (top 7.04%)
87. ESOP: 1.58 (top 7.12%)
88. ECCV: 1.58 (top 7.20%)
89. ACM Transactions on Graphics: 1.57 (top 7.28%)
90. CSCW: 1.57 (top 7.37%)
91. AOSE: 1.57 (top 7.45%)
92. ICCL: 1.57 (top 7.53%)
93. Journal of Functional Programming: 1.57 (top 7.61%)
94. RTSS: 1.57 (top 7.69%)
95. ECSCW: 1.56 (top 7.78%)
96. TOCHI: 1.56 (top 7.86%)
97. ISCA: 1.56 (top 7.94%)
98. SIGMETRICS/Performance: 1.56 (top 8.02%)
99. IWMM: 1.55 (top 8.10%)
100. JICSLP: 1.54 (top 8.19%)
101. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems: 1.54 (top 8.27%)
102. WWW: 1.54 (top 8.35%)
103. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence: 1.54 (top 8.43%)
104. AIPS: 1.53 (top 8.51%)
105. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics: 1.53 (top 8.59%)
106. VLDB: 1.52 (top 8.68%)
107. Symposium on Computational Geometry: 1.51 (top 8.76%)
108. FOCS: 1.51 (top 8.84%)
109. ATAL: 1.51 (top 8.92%)
110. SODA: 1.51 (top 9.00%)
111. PPCP: 1.50 (top 9.09%)
112. AAAI: 1.49 (top 9.17%)
113. COLT: 1.49 (top 9.25%)
114. USENIX Summer: 1.49 (top 9.33%)
115. Information and Computation: 1.48 (top 9.41%)
116. Java Grande: 1.47 (top 9.50%)
117. ISMM: 1.47 (top 9.58%)
118. ICLP/SLP: 1.47 (top 9.66%)
119. SLP: 1.45 (top 9.74%)
120. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference: 1.45 (top 9.82%)
121. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia: 1.45 (top 9.90%)
122. Rules in Database Systems: 1.44 (top 9.99%)
123. ACL: 1.44 (top 10.07%)
124. CONCUR: 1.44 (top 10.15%)
125. SPAA: 1.44 (top 10.23%)
126. J. Algorithms: 1.42 (top 10.31%)
127. DOOD: 1.42 (top 10.40%)
128. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE: 1.41 (top 10.48%)
129. ICDT: 1.41 (top 10.56%)
130. Advances in Petri Nets: 1.41 (top 10.64%)
131. ICNP: 1.40 (top 10.72%)
132. SSD: 1.39 (top 10.81%)
133. INFOCOM: 1.39 (top 10.89%)
134. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: 1.39 (top 10.97%)
135. Cognitive Science: 1.38 (top 11.05%)
136. TSE: 1.38 (top 11.13%)
137. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE): 1.38 (top 11.22%)
138. NACLP: 1.38 (top 11.30%)
139. SIGMETRICS: 1.38 (top 11.38%)
140. JACM: 1.37 (top 11.46%)
141. PODC: 1.37 (top 11.54%)
142. International Conference on Supercomputing: 1.36 (top 11.62%)
143. Fast Software Encryption: 1.35 (top 11.71%)
144. IEEE Visualization: 1.35 (top 11.79%)
145. SAS: 1.35 (top 11.87%)
146. TACS: 1.35 (top 11.95%)
147. International Journal of Computer Vision: 1.33 (top 12.03%)
148. JCSS: 1.32 (top 12.12%)
149. Algorithmica: 1.31 (top 12.20%)
150. TOCL: 1.30 (top 12.28%)
151. Information Hiding: 1.30 (top 12.36%)
152. Journal of Automated Reasoning: 1.30 (top 12.44%)
153. ECCV (1): 1.29 (top 12.53%)
154. PCRCW: 1.29 (top 12.61%)
155. Journal of Logic and Computation: 1.29 (top 12.69%)
156. KDD Workshop: 1.28 (top 12.77%)
157. ML: 1.28 (top 12.85%)
158. ISSTA: 1.28 (top 12.94%)
159. EUROCRYPT: 1.27 (top 13.02%)
160. PDIS: 1.27 (top 13.10%)
161. Hypertext: 1.27 (top 13.18%)
162. IWDOM: 1.27 (top 13.26%)
163. PARLE (2): 1.26 (top 13.34%)
164. Hybrid Systems: 1.26 (top 13.43%)
165. American Journal of Computational Linguistics: 1.26 (top 13.51%)
166. SPIN: 1.25 (top 13.59%)
167. ICDE: 1.25 (top 13.67%)
168. FMCAD: 1.25 (top 13.75%)
169. SC: 1.25 (top 13.84%)
170. EDBT: 1.25 (top 13.92%)
171. Computational Complexity: 1.25 (top 14.00%)
172. International Journal of Computatinal Geometry and Applications: 1.25 (top 14.08%)
173. ESORICS: 1.25 (top 14.16%)
174. IJCAI (2): 1.24 (top 14.25%)
175. TACAS: 1.24 (top 14.33%)
176. Ubicomp: 1.24 (top 14.41%)
177. MPC: 1.24 (top 14.49%)
178. AWOC: 1.24 (top 14.57%)
179. TLCA: 1.23 (top 14.66%)
180. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience: 1.23 (top 14.74%)
181. CADE: 1.22 (top 14.82%)
182. PROCOMET: 1.22 (top 14.90%)
183. ACM Multimedia: 1.22 (top 14.98%)
184. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: 1.22 (top 15.06%)
185. Science of Computer Programming: 1.22 (top 15.15%)
186. LCPC: 1.22 (top 15.23%)
187. CT-RSA: 1.22 (top 15.31%)
188. ICLP: 1.21 (top 15.39%)
189. Financial Cryptography: 1.21 (top 15.47%)
190. DBPL: 1.21 (top 15.56%)
191. AAAI/IAAI: 1.20 (top 15.64%)
192. Artificial Life: 1.20 (top 15.72%)
193. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation: 1.19 (top 15.80%)
194. TKDE: 1.19 (top 15.88%)
195. ACM Computing Surveys: 1.19 (top 15.97%)
196. Computational Geometry: 1.18 (top 16.05%)
197. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 1.18 (top 16.13%)
198. EWSL: 1.18 (top 16.21%)
199. Learning for Natural Language Processing: 1.18 (top 16.29%)
200. TAPOS: 1.17 (top 16.38%)
201. TAPSOFT, Vol.1: 1.17 (top 16.46%)
202. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications: 1.17 (top 16.54%)
203. TAPSOFT: 1.17 (top 16.62%)
204. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems: 1.17 (top 16.70%)
205. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop: 1.16 (top 16.78%)
206. Distributed and Parallel Databases: 1.16 (top 16.87%)
207. DAC: 1.16 (top 16.95%)
208. ICTL: 1.16 (top 17.03%)
209. Performance/SIGMETRICS Tutorials: 1.16 (top 17.11%)
210. IEEE Computer: 1.15 (top 17.19%)
211. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium: 1.15 (top 17.28%)
212. TAPSOFT, Vol.2: 1.15 (top 17.36%)
213. ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control: 1.15 (top 17.44%)
214. WCRE: 1.14 (top 17.52%)
215. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets: 1.14 (top 17.60%)
216. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop: 1.14 (top 17.69%)
217. ICDCS: 1.14 (top 17.77%)
218. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science: 1.14 (top 17.85%)
219. Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data: 1.13 (top 17.93%)
220. ECCV (2): 1.13 (top 18.01%)
221. PPSN: 1.13 (top 18.09%)
222. Middleware: 1.13 (top 18.18%)
223. OODBS: 1.12 (top 18.26%)
224. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC): 1.12 (top 18.34%)
225. UML: 1.12 (top 18.42%)
226. Real-Time Systems: 1.12 (top 18.50%)
227. FME: 1.12 (top 18.59%)
228. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop: 1.11 (top 18.67%)
229. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity: 1.11 (top 18.75%)
230. IOPADS: 1.11 (top 18.83%)
231. IJCAI: 1.10 (top 18.91%)
232. ISWC: 1.10 (top 19.00%)
233. SIGIR: 1.10 (top 19.08%)
234. Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming: 1.10 (top 19.16%)
235. PASTE: 1.10 (top 19.24%)
236. HPDC: 1.10 (top 19.32%)
237. Application and Theory of Petri Nets: 1.09 (top 19.41%)
238. ICCAD: 1.09 (top 19.49%)
239. Category Theory and Computer Science: 1.08 (top 19.57%)
240. Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: 1.08 (top 19.65%)
241. JIIS: 1.08 (top 19.73%)
242. TODAES: 1.08 (top 19.81%)
243. Neural Computation: 1.08 (top 19.90%)
244. CCL: 1.08 (top 19.98%)
245. SIGPLAN Workshop: 1.08 (top 20.06%)
246. DPDS: 1.07 (top 20.14%)
247. ACM Multimedia (1): 1.07 (top 20.22%)
248. MAAMAW: 1.07 (top 20.31%)
249. Computer Graphics Forum: 1.07 (top 20.39%)
250. HUG: 1.06 (top 20.47%)
251. Hybrid Neural Systems: 1.06 (top 20.55%)
252. SRDS: 1.06 (top 20.63%)
253. TPCD: 1.06 (top 20.72%)
254. ILP: 1.06 (top 20.80%)
255. ARTDB: 1.06 (top 20.88%)
256. NIPS: 1.06 (top 20.96%)
257. Formal Aspects of Computing: 1.06 (top 21.04%)
258. ECHT: 1.06 (top 21.13%)
259. ICMCS: 1.06 (top 21.21%)
260. Wireless Networks: 1.05 (top 21.29%)
261. Advances in Data Base Theory: 1.05 (top 21.37%)
262. WDAG: 1.05 (top 21.45%)
263. ALP: 1.05 (top 21.53%)
264. TARK: 1.05 (top 21.62%)
265. PATAT: 1.05 (top 21.70%)
266. ISTCS: 1.04 (top 21.78%)
267. Concurrency - Practice and Experience: 1.04 (top 21.86%)
268. CP: 1.04 (top 21.94%)
269. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: 1.04 (top 22.03%)
270. FTCS: 1.04 (top 22.11%)
271. RTA: 1.04 (top 22.19%)
272. COORDINATION: 1.03 (top 22.27%)
273. CHDL: 1.03 (top 22.35%)
274. Theory of Computing Systems: 1.02 (top 22.44%)
275. CTRS: 1.02 (top 22.52%)
276. COMPASS/ADT: 1.02 (top 22.60%)
277. TOMACS: 1.02 (top 22.68%)
278. IEEE Micro: 1.02 (top 22.76%)
279. IEEE PACT: 1.02 (top 22.85%)
280. ASIACRYPT: 1.01 (top 22.93%)
281. MONET: 1.01 (top 23.01%)
282. WWW7 / Computer Networks: 1.01 (top 23.09%)
283. HUC: 1.01 (top 23.17%)
284. Expert Database Conf.: 1.00 (top 23.25%)
285. Agents: 1.00 (top 23.34%)
286. CPM: 1.00 (top 23.42%)
287. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction: 1.00 (top 23.50%)
288. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation: 1.00 (top 23.58%)
289. TAGT: 1.00 (top 23.66%)
290. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation: 1.00 (top 23.75%)
291. FTRTFT: 1.00 (top 23.83%)
292. TPHOLs: 1.00 (top 23.91%)
293. Intelligent User Interfaces: 0.99 (top 23.99%)
294. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming: 0.99 (top 24.07%)
295. Cluster Computing: 0.99 (top 24.16%)
296. ESA: 0.99 (top 24.24%)
297. PLILP: 0.99 (top 24.32%)
298. COLING-ACL: 0.98 (top 24.40%)
299. META: 0.97 (top 24.48%)
300. IEEE MultiMedia: 0.97 (top 24.57%)

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