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作者: 佚名     来源: 本站原创     时间:2014年07月12

Tags:论文信誉排行网 代写论文 论文代写 论文抄袭 学术不端
经过14个月的调查,SAGE出版公司最近确定了这个学术造假大案。将一个作者在过去4年发表在Journal of Vibration and Control(JVC)上的60篇学术论文一次性撤回。根据调查,SAGE确定这是由一个物理学家独立制造的一起恶意学术诈骗,骗局主角来自台湾国立屏东教育大学的物理学家Peter Chen。
《科学》杂志对此恶性事件的看法是该杂志松懈的出版政策。7月8日Retraction Watch公开了这一丑闻发现的部分细节。根据SAGE 公共事务负责人Daniel Sherman的说法,最早这一问题是在2013年5月被发现,一名作者收到2个对他在JVC提交的论文质疑的邮件,这名作者将此邮件转发给SAGE。两位质疑者声称在某一大学任职,但没有该学校的邮件地址,是用Gmail邮件,SAGE随后通过两位学者其学校邮件和他们联系,发现至少其中一位作者是被冒充的,因为该学者并没有Gmail帐户。
此后,SAGE调查人员对此事进行了秘密调查,他们发现这个假冒身份的人多次使用Gmail帐户在SAGE 的ScholarOne投稿系统上投稿,这些文章的建议审稿人和共同作者也都附在质疑邮件中。Sherman说,当对这些审稿意见内容和提交时间认真核对后发现,有的审稿意见最快在几分钟内提交。
JVC的审稿系统出现混乱局面,很少几个审稿人相互审稿的情况反复发生,有的曾经共同发表过论文。对其中60篇论文出现的130个作者电子邮件联系,没有任何一个邮件回复。这些论文有个共同的作者台湾国立屏东教育大学的物理学家Chen-Yuan Chen,署名Peter Chen。2014年5月,SAGE通知这些地址,这些论文将会在7月被全部撤回,但仍然没有任何回复。根据SAGE的官方声明,Chen今年2月就已经从台湾国立屏东教育大学辞职。
看来真相是这样的,这名台湾的Chen教授,利用伪造的专家身份,自己审阅自己几十篇论文。根据SAGE的审稿政策,作者投稿时可推荐审稿专家,但是这些被推荐的专家身份并没有被JVC审查,而自动被采纳。JVC的主编一直是弗吉尼亚理工学院退休物理学教授Ali Nayfeh担任,也因为该丑闻辞职。Sherman说,允许作者建议审稿人是杂志采用的普遍方法,对某些相对冷门的研究领域,这一作法十分有用,能给编辑提供很大便利。但SAGE有明确规定,任何审稿专家的身份必须审核。《科学》和《自然》等顶级杂志也让作者建议审稿人,但不会依赖作者的推荐。决定某一学者作为审稿人有严格的资格条件,身份认证也不复杂。
In 2013 the Editor of Journal of Vibration and Control and SAGE became aware of a peer review ring involving assumed and fabricated identities that appeared to centre around Peter Chen at National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan (NPUE). SAGE and the Editor then began a complex investigation into the case during the rest of 2013 and 2014. Following an unsatisfactory response from Peter Chen, NPUE was notified.
NPUE were serious in addressing the Journal and SAGE’s concerns. NPUE confirmed that the institution was investigating Peter Chen. SAGE subsequently uncovered a citation ring involving the above mentioned author and others.
We regret that individual authors have compromised the academic record by perverting the peer review process and apologise to readers. On uncovering problems with peer review and citation SAGE immediately put steps in place to avoid similar vulnerability of the Journal to exploitation in the future. More information may be found at www.sagepub.co.uk/JVC_Statement_2014.
The Journal and SAGE understand from NPUE that Peter Chen has resigned his post at NPUE.
The following articles are retracted because after thorough investigation evidence points towards them having at least one author or being reviewed by at least one reviewer who has been implicated in the peer review ring and/or citation ring. All authors have had an opportunity to respond to the allegations and proposed actions.
OnlineFirst articles (these articles will not be published in an issue)
Chen CY, Chen T-H, Chen Y-H, Yu S-E and Chung P-Y (2013) Information technology system modeling an integrated C-TAM-TPB model to the validation of ocean tidal analyses Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 7 May 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312472924
Chang R-F, Chen CY, Su F-P and Lin H-C (2013) A two-step approach for broadband digital signal processing technique Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 26 April 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312472925
Chen TH, Chang CJ, Yu SE, Chung PY and Liu C-K (2013) Nonlinear information analysis and system management technique: the influence of design experience and control complexity Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 12 April 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312473321
Chen CY, Shih BY, Chen YH, Yu SE and Liu YC (2013) The exploration of a 3T flow model using vibrating NXT: II. Model validation Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 10 April 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312470481
Chen CY, Shih BY, Chen YH, Yu SE and Liu YC (2013) The exploration of 3T flow model using vibrating NXT: I. model formulation Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 6 February 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312467360
Lin M-L and Chen C-W (2013) Stability analysis of fuzzy-based NN modeling for ecosystems using fuzzy Lyapunov methods Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 6 February 2013. doi: 10.1177/1077546312466687
Chen CY, Chen TH, Chen YH and Chiu J (2012) A multi-stage method for deterministic-statistical analysis: a mathematical case and measurement studies Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 20 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312466579
Shih BY, Lin MC and Chen CY (2012) Autonomous navigation system for radiofrequency identification mobile robot e-book reader Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 13 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312466578
Chang RF, Chen CY, Su FP, Lin HC and Lu C-K (2012) Multiphase SUMO robot based on an agile modeling-driven process for a small mobile robot Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 13 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464993
Shih B-Y, Lin Y-K, Cheng M-H, Chen C-Y and Chiu C-P (2012) The development of an application program interactive game-based information system Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 12 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464682
Chen C-Y, Chang C-J and Lin C-H (2012) On dynamic access control in web 2.0 and cloud interactive information hub: technologies Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 12 December 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312464992
Shin BY, Chen CY and Hsu KH (2012) Robot cross platform system using innovative interactive theory and selection algorithms for Android application Journal of Vibration and Control Epub ahead of print 13 November 2012. doi: 10.1177/1077546312463757

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